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Explore Sum­it­o­mo Elec­tric Bor­d­net­ze SE in Spain

Next career step: SEBN ES!

Excit­ing inter­dis­ci­pli­nary and inter­cul­tur­al projects, free­dom to cre­ate and great col­leagues world­wide: All this awaits you at Sum­it­o­mo Elec­tric Bor­d­net­ze in Spain (SEBN ES).

Dis­cov­er your oppor­tu­ni­ties: We are recruit­ing up to 350 ded­i­cat­ed posi­tions for our new loca­tion in Cuen­ca.

Three Sites in Spain

Pam­plona, Mar­torell and Cuen­ca

Sum­it­o­mo Elec­tric Bor­d­net­ze SE

Polí­gono Irure­gaña 71, 2º izda, 31195 Aizoáin (Navar­ra)

SE Bor­d­net­ze Spain S.L.U.

Galileu, 1–9, 08635 Sant Esteve Ses­rovires – Barcelona

SE Bor­d­net­ze Spain S.L.U.

Ctra. Valen­cia s/n, 16004 Cuen­ca (besides Pol. Ind. Palan­car­es)

Map of SEBN in Spain

SEBN: estab­lished employ­er in SpaiN

SEBN in Spain

In 2001, SEBN found­ed its first loca­tion in Pam­plona. This loca­tion began as a logis­tics cen­ter and is cur­rent­ly a ser­vice cen­ter for the SEBN Group. Some of the ser­vices pro­vid­ed by the 30 employ­ees in Pam­plona are Sup­ply Chain Analy­sis, Dig­i­tal­iza­tion of inbound trans­porta­tion, and Engi­neer­ing ser­vices for pro­duc­tion plants.

In 2012, SEBN found­ed the sub­sidiary Sum­it­o­mo Elec­tric Bor­d­net­ze Spain (SEBN ES) in Mar­torell. This loca­tion pro­vides R&D and qual­i­ty relat­ed to wiring har­ness­es to  an estab­lished Span­ish car man­u­fac­tur­er. Cur­rent­ly, 15 employ­ees work there.

Due to its very suc­cess­ful coop­er­a­tion with cus­tomers and the imple­men­ta­tion of future-ori­ent­ed projects, SEBN was award­ed major man­u­fac­tur­ing con­tracts, which result­ed in the set-up of a new man­u­fac­tur­ing plant in Cuen­ca.  The Open­ing of the new site is antic­i­pat­ed for autumn 2024. The series pro­duc­tion will start 2026.

Cuen­ca will man­u­fac­ture the high-volt­age wiring har­ness­es for cus­tomers’ elec­tri­cal vehi­cles. After the ramp-up, it is expect­ed to employ around 350 peo­ple. The appli­ca­tion process has already begun.

Cuen­ca will be an out­stand­ing, inno­v­a­tive plant. For the first time in SEBN‘s his­to­ry most cable wiring har­ness will be man­u­fac­tured auto­mat­i­cal­ly. This makes SEBN a pio­neer in wiring har­ness automa­tion.


SEBN ES found­ed in 2001


350 employ­ees are expect­ed for the Cuen­ca project

SEBN ES as employ­eer

Why you should join SEBN ES

Train­ing in key areas: tech­ni­cal and soft skills
Inno­v­a­tive projects
Per­son­al­ized career plan
Inter­na­tion­al net­work
Great work­ing atmos­phere
Val­ues: Respect, coop­er­a­tion, trust and respon­si­bil­i­ty

Do you have ques­tions about your career oppor­tu­ni­ties at SEBN ES?

Con­tact the HR team in Spain: hr.spain@sebn.com

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